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Air Infiltration Sealing System

Air infiltration is when air flows through holes and cracks in the house walls, ceiling and floor. Air infiltration is minimized when insulation is done correctly. Unfortunately, there are many other areas where air can penetrate through a home's exterior. These areas are often produced during framing, and from insertions for wiring, plumbing, and ducts.

When air leaks through unwanted cracks, the heating and air condition systems have to work harder to maintain the desired temperature inside the house. If the system is working harder than it needs to, that means homeowners are paying more than they need to. A house that is not airtight could waste more than 30% more energy than needed, every month. Proper sealing is a must for reducing infiltration of air flow into a home. When there is a reduction of air infiltration, there is a reduction on how much heating and cooling is required. Air sealing will not only reduce energy costs it will also improve the home's comfort and durability.

The reason that air infiltration sealing systems are so important is simple; keep the desired temperature inside the house while keeping water and undesirable temperatures outside. Air infiltration systems have a special design to make sure that water stays outside but at the same time allows moisture vapors to leave. This also acts as a barrier to keep your heating and air conditioning inside, so the homeowners monthly bills stay down. A reduction of air infiltration in combination with proper ventilation will not only reduces your energy bills per month, but can also improve the quality of the air inside.

Air infiltration and ventilation go hand in hand. In the winter months cold or windy weather might push too much air into the house. In the summer months, when it is warm and not windy, there might not be enough air flow coming into the house.

Ventilation is a necessity when it comes to building and maintaining a house for many years. With the exchange between indoor and outdoor air there is a possibility of having various things come in with the air, like moisture, pollutants and odors. Toxins like formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, and radon can build up in poorly ventilated homes, and cause health problems. Also if an excessive amount of moisture accumulates inside it can generate high levels of humidity, which can also cause mold and structural damage to the house. Every Southland Home is carefully caulked and sealed to minimize or eliminate these potential problems.