Customer Testimonials

Southland Custom Homes takes tremendous pride in each one of our homes. It is always great to get feedback from our satisfied new homeowners on how their home met all their expectations and more! Hear first hand from our homeowners about their experience with Southland Custom Homes!

We are so pleased with our SOUTHLAND HOME. Mr. St. Clair is the greatest. He was there for ALL our needs. He answered ALL our questions as we built this home. We are very PROUD of our home. He helped us every step of the way. All the people that worked for him were great. Thanks to everyone's hard work we came out with a very beautiful Home. Mike really put things together for us. THANKS MIKE FOR MAKING OUR DREAMS CAME TRUE. WITHOUT YOU WE WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE.

Ronald & Brenda E.

Snellville, Georgia